Thursday January 16th

2025 21 Day Fast:

Week Two: The Inner Court/ Sanctification/ Becoming like Him

Table of Showbread

When you walk in you will find the table of showbread on the right that contains 12 loaves of bread.  These 12 loaves represented the 12 tribes of Israel .

They were a continual reminder of the everlasting promises
between God and His people. Every Sabbath, the priests entered the Holy Place
 and ate and replaced the showbread, also called the “bread of the presence,”
or literally “the bread of the face” (Lev. 24:5–9).

This is the same Hebrew word for how God spoke to Moses, “face to face” (Ex. 33:11).

The Word of God is the food that feeds our soul.  
The word of God renews our mind with the truth.  

Feeding on the word of God must become a daily practice as God communicates His desires for you through His word.

John 6:5 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread he will live forever. The bread that I will give for the life of the world is MY flesh.”  
John 1:1  “In the beginning the was the Word and the Word was  with God and  the Word was God.”

 John 1:16 “The Word became flesh and took up residence among us.”


  • Read – You must take time to read the Word of God

  • Study – Get into the Word, go deeper, seek understanding of God is speaking and doing. 

  • Verbalize – Memorize the word so you can speak it and know it. 

  • Perform – Now you must go do what the word has declared.

Today's Worship

Prayer Focus this week: Becoming a disciple of Christ

1. We pray that we will show you by our words and actions that we love you.  We will obey your Word and You will make your home with us. John 14:23

2. We Pray that we will diligently study the Word so that we can present
ourselves to God unashamed.
2 Timothy 2:15

3. We confess we need the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit.  Show us ways that we that we grieve, quench, or resist the Holy Spirit.  
I Thessalonians 5:19, Ephesians 4:3

4. We pray that we will learn and manifest the Spiritual gifts that you have given us through your Holy Spirit. We will use these gifts to grow and build the kingdom of God.  
I Corinthians 12: 4-11

5. We pray that Glory Church would unite in praying for all who are in authority,
that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives in godliness and holiness.
I Timothy 2: 1-2

6. We pray that we will confess our sins to one another and pray for one another so that we will be healed. For the prayer of the righteous is very powerful.
James 5:16

7. We confess we often do not know what to pray as we should. We are thankful that we can allow Him who intercedes for us according to the will of God.  Help us to allow Him to use us as a vessel for His will to be done on earth.
Romans 8: 26-27

8. We pray that we will show you by our words and actions that we love you.  We will obey your Word and You will make your home with us. John 14:23

9. We Pray that we will diligently study the Word so that we can present ourselves to God unashamed. 2 Timothy 2:15

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