Tuesday January 14th

2025 21 Day Fast:

Week Two: The Inner Court/ Sanctification/ Becoming like Him

“Many Christians have an outer-court relationship with God. Through the blood of Jesus, they have received forgiveness of their sins given unlimited access into the Holiest, where God’s presence dwells. The veil separating them from the fullness of His presence has been removed, but they never venture into even the Holy Place (inner court). They remain content where they are-satisfied that their sins are forgiven, without much thought to have a deepening relationship with their heavenly Father.”

 -TL Lowery- "Walking in the Supernatural."

Do you want a deeper relationship with God?   Step into the Inner Court and find the key.  

All Levites could enter the courtyard, but only priests could enter the Holy Place in the tent itself. As you enter, the next piece of the Tabernacle was a seven-branch golden lampstand called a menorah.
The priest would fill each of the seven knobs at the top of each branch with pure olive oil. The fire represents how we are called to be light in the world’s darkness.  

The wicks had to be trimmed, and fresh oil put in every day.
The lampstand looked like a tree, reminiscent of the tree of life in the
garden—a place of life, blessing, and perfect relationship with God.

There was a center branch then three on each side totaling 7.
Notice the seven spirits of God in Isaiah 11:1-2
 “Then a root will grow from the stump of Jesse and a branch from its roots will bear fruit.  The Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him – a Spirit of wisdom and understanding a Spirit of counsel and strength, a Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”
“But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit- the Father will send Him in My name -will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.” John 14:26

Oil is often used in the Word to represent the function of the Holy Spirit.
We need the Holy Spirit to shine a light in our heart.
Think about the spirits listed above working in your life through
the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit.

Remember with no oil in the lamp there is no light.
It’s a daily relationship that God desires.

Do you have oil in your lamp?

Today's Worship

Prayer Focus this week: Becoming a disciple of Christ

1. We pray that we will show you by our words and actions that we love you.  We will obey your Word and You will make your home with us. John 14:23

2. We Pray that we will diligently study the Word so that we can present
ourselves to God unashamed.
2 Timothy 2:15

3. We confess we need the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit.  Show us ways that we that we grieve, quench, or resist the Holy Spirit.  
I Thessalonians 5:19, Ephesians 4:3

4. We pray that we will learn and manifest the Spiritual gifts that you have given us through your Holy Spirit. We will use these gifts to grow and build the kingdom of God.  
I Corinthians 12: 4-11

5. We pray that Glory Church would unite in praying for all who are in authority,
that we may lead quiet and peaceful lives in godliness and holiness.
I Timothy 2: 1-2

6. We pray that we will confess our sins to one another and pray for one another so that we will be healed. For the prayer of the righteous is very powerful.
James 5:16

7. We confess we often do not know what to pray as we should. We are thankful that we can allow Him who intercedes for us according to the will of God.  Help us to allow Him to use us as a vessel for His will to be done on earth.
Romans 8: 26-27

8. We pray that we will show you by our words and actions that we love you.  We will obey your Word and You will make your home with us. John 14:23

9. We Pray that we will diligently study the Word so that we can present ourselves to God unashamed. 2 Timothy 2:15

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